It was a wonderful, wild night! Unfortunately, the next morning you look in the mirror only to realize you're covered with hickeys. You look like a hormonal teenager. Your boss and co-workers don't...
Category: Reviews
Best Camera to Catch Someone Keying Car: Scratching the Surface of Vandalism
There it is again, a long jagged scratch down the side of your car. The only thing worse than having your car keyed is having it keyed again after you repaint and having to wonder who hates you that...
A telescope can show you the stars. Of course, some of us have more earthly interests and goals. Spotting the rings of Saturn is an incredible sight. Then again, spotting your cheating soon-to-be...
Every lock can fail. Given sufficient tools, time, and motivation, a master locksmith can open most, and enough pressure will eventually break the rest. Even diamonds break. However, the average...
Best Flashlight to Blind Attacker: Now You See Me, Now You Don’t
Being chased in the dark is a nightmare lots of people have. In reality, it's much worse because you can't wake up to escape. So, what can you do? Not everyone is a fighter. Even if you are, there...
Best Camera to Catch a Cheating Spouse: I Know What You Did Last Night
So, your soon-to-be ex is sleeping around on you while you're at work, or at least that's what you suspect. You don't have the proof just yet, but that perfume wasn't theirs, and there have been...